Cynthia Gieskes est membre de notre département de Droit commercial.

Cynthia se concentre sur le droit des contrats, les contrats de distribution, le droit commercial en général, ainsi que la résolution des litiges dans ces matières.


Cynthia est titulaire d’un master en droit de l’Université d’Anvers. Avant ses études de droit, elle a obtenu un bachelier en sinologie à la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) en 2008. En 2005-2006, elle a étudié le mandarin à la Fudan University (Shanghai, PRC), dans le cadre de son bachelier en sinologie.


Cynthia a été admise au Barreau de Bruxelles en 2015. Elle a été brièvement active au Barreau d’Anvers de 2019 à 2020.




Néerlandais, français, anglais et mandarin


"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx