Bart De Moor is vennoot in onze praktijkgroep geschillenbeslechting en in de herstructurerings- en insolventiepraktijk.

Hij staat cliënten bij en adviseert hen over geschillen en alternatieve geschillenbeslechting, vennootschapsrecht, ondernemingsrecht, internationaal privaatrecht en zekerheden, of het nu gaat om complexe internationale of lokale aangelegenheden. Veel van zijn werk draait om vennootschapsgeschillen zoals aandeelhouders- en bestuurdersgeschillen, bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid en insolventiegeschillen. Tevens specialiseert hij zich in herstructurering en insolventie en stellen de rechtbanken hem regelmatig aan als gerechtsmandataris.

Bart is een bemiddelaar in burgerlijke en handelszaken, erkend door de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie sinds 2007. Hij is gerechtsmandataris bij de Ondernemingsrechtbank te Brussel en legt zich toe op vennootschaps- en aandeelhoudersgeschillen. Hij is voorzitter van bMediation, het bemiddelingscentrum van de Kamer van Koophandel van Brussel en de Brusselse balie. 

Bart is praktijklector aan de Rechtsfaculteit van de Universiteit van Leuven (KU Leuven) en auteur van tal van boeken en artikels die gepubliceerd zijn in juridische tijdschriften. Hij is lid van het redactiecomité van het tijdschrift DAOR (Droit des Affaires-OndernemingsRecht), lid van INSOL Europe en INSOL World en is lid en medevoorzitter van het Reorganisation and Workouts Subcommittee van de afdeling Insolvency van de International Bar Association (IBA).


Bart De Moor studeerde rechten aan de Université de Namen en de Universiteit van Gent en behaalde een diploma in de rechten in 1986. In 1992 behaalde hij ook een certificaat van een vierjarige cyclus van cursussen over het rechtsstelsel van de Verenigde Staten, uitgereikt door de Universiteit van Georgia en de Brusselse balie. In 1993 behaalde Bart een certificaat “Health Economics” aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen. In 2014 behaalde Bart het certificaat "Einführung in das deutsche Recht" van de Deutscher Anwaltverein (Duitse Orde van Advocaten) en de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie van Brussel.


Bart De Moor is sinds 1986 lid van de balie.


Bart De Moor is Pro-Stafhouder van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie van Brussel.

Hij is actief lid van de International Bar Association. Hij is ook lid van INSOL Europe en lid van de Raad van Bestuur van INSOL Europe.

Hij was voorheen lid van de Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie van Brussel van 2007 tot 2010 en voormalig afgevaardigde van de balie van Brussel bij de Algemene Vergadering van de Vlaamse Balies van 2008 tot 2017.


"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx

"I left everything in your care and almost a year later my case was finished. People were courteous. Recently I insisted another friend use you."

James Watson, Lynx


Legal 500 2024 - Insolvency & Restructuring

‘I worked with Bart de Moor and Marine Callebaut. They were very involved in finding a solution and it was thanks to them that we found a buyer for the company.’

‘I worked a lot with Bart de Moor on insolvency and restructuring matters. He is a partner of the firm who is extremely well prepared and an extremely nice person, too!’

‘Bart De Moor is very competent in the field of insolvency law.’

‘Bart de Moor is a seasoned professional with a pragmatic approach, calm and competent.’

‘Bart De Moor is one of the best-known specialists in the field of restructuring and insolvency law beyond the borders of Belgium, whose professional advice is much appreciated in the restructuring of internationally active companies. He is also a highly successful Belgian insolvency administrator who masters even the most difficult cases with virtuosity.’

Legal 500 2023

‘Bart de Moor is always precise and always makes himself available. He is very ambitious and wants the best for his clients.’

‘Always a pleasure to work with Bart de Moor.’

Leaders League

Leading in Restructuring & Insolvency

Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders

Global Leader Commercial Mediation 2022, Restructuring & Insolvency 2022

Legal 500 2022 - Insolvency & Restructuring

‘I have worked with Bart de Moor for a long time. He is an excellent lawyer. He is skilful, always helpful and responsive.

Legal 500 2021

Bart De Moor is multilingual and friendly, with outstanding technical skills.

Bart De Moor is exceptional.

Legal 500 2020

Insolvency and restructuring - Tier 2

Attracting praise for its 'practical approach', Strelia's insolvency and restructuring practice is particularly active in insolvency matters and has experience defending debtors in litigation. Bart De Moor is 'an outstanding lawyer in the field of restructuring and insolvency law and as insolvency practitioner', and leads the department, which leverages the firm's full-service offering and frequently works with the corporate, tax and employment teams.

Legal 500 2019

Insolvency and Restructuring - Tier 3

The ‘specialist’ insolvency and restructuring practice at Strelia has 'a good understanding of the Belgian market’ and ‘a straight-forward approach’. The team was appointed as office holder in the judicial reorganisation of the Flamant Group Brussels. It also acted as liquidator in the bankruptcy of Photo Hall Multimedia. ‘Stand-out’ lawyer Bart De Moor heads the practice and is ‘very competent in cross-border cases’.

Legal 500 2019

Legal 500 2019 ranks Bart De Moor a leading individual for Insolvency and Restructuring and says:

“'Stand-out' lawyer Bart De Moor heads the practice and is 'very competent in cross-border cases'.”